Derek Johnson Muses

Home of the Straight from the Cornfield Podcast

Monthly Archives: October 2015

Straight from the Cornfield, Episode 16

In this episode, I rank Nebraska’s loss to Purdue in the pantheon of bad Husker losses, speculate on the defense that’s falling apart, and assess Ryker Fyfe. Finally, I get into Mike Riley and why his career at Nebraska is starting to look a lot like Rich Rodriguez’s career at Michigan.


Ride Along!

Straight from the Cornfield, Episode 15

In this episode, I discuss Mike Riley’s equity at Nebraska, what it means that he has stuck by Mark Banker all these years, and the failed 2-point conversion against Northwestern.


The Line Outside the Party of the Year

Straight from the Cornfield, Episode 14

In this episode, I bemoan the sad current state of Nebraska football, the lack of an edge against Northwesten, and breakdown Mike Riley’s post-game press conference. Spoiler: he and Shawn Eichorst are secretly angry dudes.

Straight from the Cornfield, Episode 13

In this episode, I talk Nebraska’s win over Minnesota. The offense finally lives up to its teases of big plays, the defense records some key (new) stats, and Nebraska finally shows some energy on the sidelines! Looking ahead, I weigh the possibility of Nebraska playing unbeaten Iowa and Michigan State teams, and why an unbeaten Iowa fighting for the College Football Playoff could be just what Nebraska wants. Finally, I read your tweets and talk great players against Minnesota.


Straight from the Cornfield, Episode 12

In this episode of the Straight from the Cornfield Podcast, I discuss Nebraska’s flaws defensively against Wisconsin, dissect the new gameplan from Nebraska’s offense, and spin forward to Jordan Stevenson’s future, and the rest of the season and next year.


Straight from the Cornfield Podcast, Episode 11

In this episode of Straight from the Cornfield podcast (formerly Maximum Red), I cover that 3rd-and-7 disaster and what it showed us about Tommy Armstrong’s and Mike Riley’s relationship, plus the foilables of Riley’s air-raid, Alex Lewis, and what you’re fearing about Nebraska’s football programs moving forward. Finally, we look forward to the rest of the season and Wisconsin.

Already Forgotten

Already Forgotten


TV News, Previews, Spoilers, Casting Scoop, Interviews


"The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore." Psalm 121:8

Just a Guy

with an Appetite

Sun-Ton Farms

Family Dairy Farm since 1969 located in Southwest Washington.


Dragon Slaying: from the Lutheran Perspective

Final Mystery

"The final mystery is oneself" - Oscar Wilde

Biking with Coleman

Traversing North America by Bicycle

Christianity in America

The blog of Matthew Tuininga

Musings of a Circuit Riding Parson

Just another small town, small town, small town preacher

Oratio + Meditatio + Tentatio

A theologian's pressure cooker.

Brent Kuhlman's Blog

A great site

Peruse and Muse

One Author in Search of an Audience

St. Matthew Lutheran Church

Bonne Terre, Missouri

Tips On Travelling

Learn how to travel Further. Longer. Cheaper.


Sports in Perspective.

De Profundis Clamavi ad Te, Domine

"we continually step out of God's sight, so that he may not see us in the depths, into which he alone looks." M.L.